My DRIP Journey Begins!

Jamar Freeze
3 min readDec 4, 2021

What is DRIP?

DRIP Network

DRIP is a project that is able to provide passive income through smart contracts in Defi. It was created on the Binance Smart Chain, and the DRIP Token can be bought with BEP20 BNB.

The bedrock of DRIP is the feature of paying 1% on your investment per day. You can either pull that amount out and receive your 1% return of the DRIP token per day, or you can “Hydrate” or recompound your earnings and compound the 1% against the new amount. By Hydrating you start to see the 3678% APYs by the end of the year (fees excluded for simplicity).

Come to, check out the DRIP passive investment, and join the Cryptozoa Team!

How to Start

  1. Go to, and exchange BNB for DRIP.
  2. Go to the Faucet, and enter a Buddy address in the Referral section. Consider adding my Cryptozoa team member address for your Buddy: 0x2b70F98F85307810251C9Cb8A34E308B7C138D58
  3. Deposit at least 1.12 DRIP (Ensure you have 0.05–0.1 BNB for transaction fees.)

You’re setup on DRIP. Get ready to receive 1% daily! But, do come back regularly to hit that hydrate/recompound button!

YouTube: Drip NetworkUser Guide

Cryptozoa Telegram

DRIP Lightpaper


Buy BR34P:

NOTE: The amount Deposited is not withdrawable. In exchange you receive 1% of that staked amount on a 24 hr basis for the next 365 days, which can be rehydrated/compounded, or claimed.

I am part of the Cryptozoa DRIP team. We are a global community of DRIP enthusiasts who are welcoming and helpful. We converse on our own private Telegram group where we share DRIP tips, strategies, breaking news, and more. If you would like to join in the conversation, please join the Cryptozoa team (buy getting into DRIP and using my Buddy address above), and then head over to the Cryptozoa Telegram Gateway. Let the admins on duty know that Jamar sent you — then once you are onboard find me and DM me, I will be VERY happy to hear from you!

My buddy address is:0x2b70F98F85307810251C9Cb8A34E308B7C138D58

…and if you need a step-by-step guide to getting invested, here is a guide that anyone can follow: YouTube: Drip NetworkUser Guide

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Nothing in this article is intended to constitute investment advice. Neither the author nor the publication takes any responsibility or liability for any investments, profits or losses you may incur as a result of this information. Readers are encouraged to perform their own due diligence and research, or consult a licensed financial advisor or broker before making any and all investment decisions. This content is intended for general informational and educational purposes only. Though the author strives for accuracy, the data contained within the article cannot be relied upon. The author may own cryptocurrencies and tokens discussed in the article. The article may contain affiliate links.



Jamar Freeze

Founder | Technologist | Advisor | Investor | Brunch is my religion. #BrunchUp #CoffeeUp |